Wastewater and Septic Products

Wastewater Products

Wastewater and Septic Products

We carry everything you need for a complete wastewater installation, from tanks to tubing and fittings. To best serve you, we stock all major brands.

Alderon, Ohio Electric, and SJE Rhombus control panels

Aqua Safe and Infiltrator aeration, tanks, chambers, and treatment units

Geoflow and Netafim drip systems

Polylok basins and drains

Tuf-Tite risers

Webtrol EZ-Pull Quick Disconnect


See our Septic and Onsite Catalog for a complete list of products. We can customize control panels to meet the needs of any septic system size or configuration.


Wastewater Pumps:

MVPS Grinder Pump – 1.5 HP, 60 Hz, to 12 GPM, Heads to 360’

MVPS-RE1 Grinder Pump – 1.5 HP, 60 Hz, to 12 GPM, Heads to 360’

MVGS Grinder Pump – 1 and 2 HP, 60 Hz, to 40 GPM, Heads to 100’

MVGC Grinder Pump – 3 to 7.5 HP, 60 Hz, to 97 GPM, Heads to 195’

VE Effluent Pump – .33 to 2 HP, 60 Hz, to 210 GPM, Heads to 79’

VS Sewage Pump – .5 to 2 HP, 60 Hz, to 190 GPM, Heads to 75’

VN Non-Clog Pump  – 5 to 10 HP, 60 Hz, to 800 GPM, Heads to 76’

WTE Turbine Effluent Pump –.5 to 1.5 HP, 60 Hz, to 12 GPM, Heads to 360’


Effluent STEP System

A filtered pump chamber sits inside the septic tank and will pump a clear effluent through a small diameter pressurized main that does not require manholes or deep excavation. This Effluent STEP System is fully integrated and comes with all components.


Packaged Grinder System

Webtrol’s Packaged Grinder System comes with all the components needed to install a residential or light commercial sewage pump station. It is available in custom basins for simplex or duplex packages, is fully integrated and comes pre-assembled.


In addition to our wastewater and septic products, we carry pre-engineered, packaged onsite systems.


Call 314-631-9200 for more information about our septic and small flow products, or email a customer service team member.

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